Welcome to Geração 21

Since 2005 that the research project Geração 21 has been following a cohort of about 8,600 children and their families.
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Generation 21 has 15 years!
Since April 2005, we have followed the development of more than 8,600 adolescents born in Greater Porto, in 2005 and 2006, and their respective families. To all who have collaborated over these years, who have given time and resources to make this project possible, our THANK YOU!
Given the epidemiological evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal, us too, in an attitude of social responsibility, decided to suspend the evaluations of the Geração 21 Project. As soon as possible, we will resume the evaluations.

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In the 10-year evaluation we had more than 6000 children and their families. Our sincere thanks to all who collaborated with us!
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Geração 21 provides the basis for a wide range of scientific research in areas such as perinatal and pediatric health, obesity and metabolic health, lifestyles, cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal health, among others.

In addition to producing scientific evidence on the mechanisms that generate disease, Geração 21 plays an important role in planning health intervention strategies, by continuously evaluating the pattern of growth and health of children from birth until adulthood.

In this page you can find the projects developed within the cohort, the instruments and scales used during the different evaluations and the resulting scientific publications.

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